Holiday Contest! Enter to Win $100 Visa Gift Card

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!!!   Thanksgiving has come and gone already!!! Time passes so quickly! My hope for you all is that you were able to relax a bit and enjoy those you love the most!   The Rush of Holiday shopping is in full swing! Make sure to enjoy your loved ones so that when the holidays are over you are able to look back and smile with lots of GREAT Memories that will last a lifetime :)   I am having a CONTEST this month (December 2016)! I am asking that you log onto Zillo...

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area!  November 2016

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area!

November 2016

The Theme in Real Estate for 2016 didn't change when the data was gathered for October 2016.... Values are up.... Inventory is down... Values are up... Inventory is down... Values are up... Inventory is down........... Yep, still down... 2016 is sure to go in the record books as the year of NOT ENOUGH HOMES for SALE!!! 


Housing Stats for October 2016 as compared to October 2015:

*Closed Sales up .8% *Median Sales Price...

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area!

August 2016

The THEME of the year continues... Inventory, Inventory, Inventory!!! There is a lack of homes on the market for sale. Seller's hesitate to put their house on the market and make a move as they are afraid that they will not be able to find their next home...

The statistics for July have been crunched~

*The number of homes that sold was down 5.8% from July 2015

*The number of pending sales was down 3.1% from July 2015

*The numb...

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area!

June 2016

The Statistics for May have been crunched and analyzed by the Minneapolis Association of Realtors. There are no real surprises...

May 2016 as compared to May 2015 showed the following:

1) Closed sales were up 5.3%

2) Pending sales were up 9.9%

3) The # of Homes for Sale were down 20.6% ~ leaving a 2.7 month supply of homes on the market. (A healthy buyer/seller market has a 5-6 months supply of homes for sale.)

4) Sellers are n...

How to Compete in a Multiple Offer Situation in Our Current Real Estate Market!

When 2015 ended, the number of homes left on the market was low! Dependng on the article you read, there were 2.1 to 3 months 2) were of homes left for sale. What does this mean? In a Healthy Market, there are 5-6 months worth of homes for sale... Having 2-3 months of home for sale, make the MN Real Estate Market a Seller's Market. 

If you are a Buyer in the market right now, chances are you will most likely end up...

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! January 2016

The Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors has released the December 2015 statistics. The link below is predicting a 'balanced market' in 2016. I'm not sure how... Maybe the predicted interest rate increases will slow things down a bit, but with inventory levels this low. It will take a lot of houses to balance this market. 

December #'s

Closed Sales up 12.1%

Pending Sales up 12.3%

Number of Homes for Sale down 21.8% leaving...
Maple Grove Homes Priced Over 399k~ When to Go on the Market?

Maple Grove Homes Priced Over 399k~ When to Go on the Market?

The Real Estate Market has been anything but traditional over the last 7 years. After many years of depreciation, the real estate market started to appreciate in early 2012! Since then the market for homes priced above 399k has varied from month to month with not much predictability.

2015, for the first time in years, followed a traditional sales cycle with closed sales! The market started a slight increase in closed sales in Januar...
Rachel Fredrickson
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