Motivational Monday! Today... Can Change Your Tomorrow!!!

Motivational Monday!

Today... Can Change Your Tomorrow!!!

The beginning is always today. Mary Wallstonecraft

We all have to start somewhere... why not start today! Today is the only place we can start when you think about it. We can't replay yesterday. We can't live tomorrow as it's not here yet. So let's start living the life we want today. Let's start creating the life we want to live tomorrow, today!

Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay. Simone de B...
Motivational Monday! Success!!!

Motivational Monday!


How do you define success? Do you define it the same way as you partner? your spouse? your mate? your best friend? your boss? your colleague? What goal do you want to accomplish? What desired result are you looking for? It is important when setting goals, whether with yourself, with another person or with a group of people, that success is clearly defined. Once you have a clear definition of what success looks like to you (or the group), it is time to deve...
Motivational Monday! Perseverance!!!

Motivational Monday!


The Path from Dreams to Success does Exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.          Kalpana Chawla


Dreams, Goals, Desires... What do these things have in common?

     *People have them

     *People alter them over time

     *People fail to achieve them

     *People DO Achieve them

Which Category do you fall into? What is the difference between the person who fails to achieve and...
Motivational Monday! Motivation!!!

Motivational Monday!


Life happens each day... We wake up, we follow the routine that we have set for ourselves to get to where we need to be each day. Some days this process is easy, some days this same exact process is a little harder! Why? It's the same process... it's the same steps we take each day... So why are we easily on time today and late tomorrow??? Our attitude is the one thing that can influence how our morning goes! What do you do to keep your attitude in check? W...
Motivational Monday! Gratitude!!!

Motivational Monday! Gratitude!!!

My word for the week is Gratitude! What does gratitude mean? According to, gratitude is: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

What are you thankful for? What do you appreciate? What has happened in the last 24 hour that you are thankful for? Appreciative of? Who can you show gratitude to and for what? 

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomor...
Rachel Fredrickson
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