The Twin Cities is Following Suite with the National Trends in Real Estate!

The Twin Cities is Following Suite

with the National Trends

in Real Estate!


If you've been reading my monthly blogs about the real estate trends in the Twin Cities, (monthly skinny blogs), then you know that prices have been going up and the number of homes on the market is sparse! If you haven't been following my monthly, blogs, no worries, I'm sure you've seen it on the news or read it online somewhere... It is no secret the there are not enough homes for sale in the Twin Cities... I...

But my Zillow Zestimate said...



Zillow's own CEO Spensor Rascoff's home sold for 40% less than his Zillow Zestimate reported!!!


Zestimates aren't an exact science. Zillow boasts a 7.9% error rate~ BUT, their own CEO's house sold for 40% less than it's own zestimate. There are factors that a zestimate (computer program) does not consider...

1) Where is the home situated? Is it on a busy street? private neighborhood? 

2) What is the shape and usability of the lot? Where is the house s...
Rachel Fredrickson
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