Multiple Offers... Are you paying too much???

Multiple Offers...

Are you paying too much???


Multiple Offers are common in today's Real Estate World! Don't run from them... (You may never buy a home) Don't fear them... (You may never buy a home) Understand the process (Education is key) and use the information below to determine your offer price and become comfortable with the buying process

When you're looking to buy a house, it's important to align yourself with a Realtor who knows and understands Real Estate. Its important to al...
Rentals Numbers are at a 50 Year High! WHY???

Rentals Numbers are at a 50 Year High!


Is the American Dream Dying? Do you still wish to own a home? Do you still dream of that white picket fence, a big back yard, a man cave, a women's retreat, etc., etc., etc.,??? According to, the number of people who own a home is decreasing... and the number of people renting is greater today than it has been in the last 50 years!


Why is a Great Question! sites 5 reasons this may be so. 

1) Reduced number of affor...
AT LAST!!! How to figure out if your real estate market is cooling off or getting hotter!


How to figure out if your real estate market is cooling off or getting hotter!

Real Estate in Minnesota is seasonal. It is HOT in the spring and part way into the summer! How do you decide if you missed the market to sell your home? Do you put it up for sale now or do you wait until spring??? 

These are questions that I get asked in the fall and early winter. Sometimes the question will arise in the late summer as well. put together a GREAT article that discusses 8 t...
Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! May 2018

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! May 2018

May 2018 numbers are in. June numbers will be out toward the end of July.

*Pending Sales decreased by 5.9% from May 2017

*Closed Sales decreased by 11.3% from May 2017

*The number of homes for sale decreased 17.8% from 2017

*This left the month supply of homes at 2.1 months~ 

*Prices increased 8.4% with the median sales price of $271,000

*Sellers netted 100.2% of their asking price.

For all the numbers and statistics, the full...
Annnnd the Winner is..... Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Annnnd the Winner is.....

May 2018 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!



My May Real Estate Newsletter was sent out at the beginning of the month! As always there was trivia question included!

The May Newsletter Trivia Question was...

The Early Roman Calendar had May as the ___ month of the year?

The Answer: 3rd :)    

The winner this month is Judy F!!! (Watch the Video Drawing below-surprise guest this month!) Congratulations to you! Enjoy your Flowers :) Thank you for playing :) 

My June...
Home Appreciation is Growing Faster and Faster and Faster and......

Home Appreciation is Growing Faster and

Faster and Faster and......

FASTER!!!!! We've all heard it in the news over and over again.... There aren't enough homes for sale! Homes are selling for more and more... 

The news is correct! The lack of homes on the market is pushing the prices up higher and higher... Multiple Offers are now a commonality in Real Estate!

The National Association of Realtors reported that the first quarter of 2018 saw a 5.7% appreciation nationally! Home prices in th...
Would you like to Pay off Your 30 Year Mortgage in Less than 30 Years?

Would you like to Pay off Your 30 Year Mortgage in LESS than 30 Years?

I would!!! I would!!! I would!!! Both of my hands are in the air! (Feet too).

Do you remember when you closed on your house? Do you remember when your closer showed you the Amortization Schedule? It showed you that for the first 15 years, more than 50% of your monthly payment pays more interest than principal... sigh... And we accepted it because that is what happens when you buy a house~ Right.?.?.? Wrong!!! We were wron...
Rachel Fredrickson
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