I 94 CLOSING January 20th-23rd 2017!!!

I-94 is CLOSING this weekend!!!

Headed up north fishing??? Headed to the Albertville Outlet Mall for some shopping because the temps are sooo nice??? For anyone traveling on I-94 this weekend, plan your route wisely to avoid the congestion due to the closure... Avoid the frustration that a DETOUR sign can cause :) and get to your destination when you want! 

I-94 will be closed in BOTH directions between I-494 and the new interchange of Highway 610 and I-...
Annnnd the Winner is..... January 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Annnnd the Winner is.....

January 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Every Month I send out a Monthly Newsletter filled with Real Estate Market News. I want to make sure you keep current on the market! If you wish to subscribe, please see the link below. 


The January Newsletter Contest was...

Send me your New Year's Resolutions and plans to accomplish them!

The Winner is Rachael P :)

Congratulations to you! Your plan is ROCK SOLID and I have no doubt you will accomplish your Goals!!!...
Annnnd the Winner is..... December 2016 Monthly Newletter Contest!!!

Annnnd the Winner is.....

December 2016 Monthly Newletter Contest!!!


Each Month I send out a Monthly Newsletter. This newsletter is filled with Real Estate Market News to keep you current on the market! If you wish to subscribe, please see the link below. 

The December Newsletter Contest~

Write a Review for me on 1 of 4 Business Pages.

The Winner is Reid Gisslen :)

Congratulations to you! $100 Gift Card Coming YOUR way!!! Congratulations Again!!!

I also hold a contest monthly~ The det...

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! May 2016

The numbers for April have been gathered and crunched... There will be no shockers in the data.

The Real Estate Market in April 2016 showed the following when compared to April 2015...

1) The number of homes for sale was down 19.4%

2) The median home price was up 7.7%

3) Sellers are getting 98% of list price. Some more than list and some are selling in multiple offers

4) Pending Sales were up 1.6%

5) Closed Sales were also up 6.1...
Shortage of Homes on the Market... Thinking Outside the Box to Get the Market Moving!

Shortage of Homes on the Market... Thinking outside the box to solve it!

The number of homes on the Market is at a LOW!!! To date, 2016 has given us an average of a 2.1 month supply of homes on the market. In my 11 years of Real Estate, I have never seen numbers this low! EVER! Buyers are frustrated and feel like they are 'stuck'... 

Why is there a shortage of homes for sale??? Why are the number of homes on the market at all time lows???  What are some possible reasons sellers are staying p...

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! February 2016

The Market continues to CLIMB! January Real Estate statistics have been gathered and the picture it is painting make our local real estate market a seller's market! 

January 2016 showed the following changes from January 2015.

  *A 17.8% increase in closed sales

  *A 3.5% increase in pending sales

  *A 22.2% decrease in the number of homes for sale

  *A 10.3% increase in the median sales price

  *A 32.3% DECREASE in the mont...

2015 has come to an end... Real Estate Continued to Appreciate!!!

The Data has been crunched, the numbers compiled and the report written! The Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors 2015 Annual Report is out! 

Overall the data showed...

*The number of new listings increased 5.1% in 2015 from 2014.

*The number of closed sales rose 13.7% in 2015 from 2014.

*The number of homes for sale fell 21.8% in 2015 from 2014.

*The median sales price rose 7.0% in 2015 from 2014.

*The average sales pr...
Rachel Fredrickson
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